Monday, April 16, 2007

Trip Journal Post 5: Day 16-20

Day 16: Camp Wood to Comfort, TX. (89 miles) We're going to slip off course today as we strike for Bastrop, TX and continue through the hill country. At Leakey, TX we stopped for and early lunch. I went to the library and made the last entry. Curt left earlier for Medina. I couldn't catch him at Vanderpool, where I, hopefully, shot a picture of a white goat laying in a field of Blue Bonnets. That section had some of the steepest grades I've climbed so far, but it was also one of the prettiest. Dense vegetation, dark oaks, and plenty of creeks and rivers throughout the day. With tired legs and sore bottoms, we met in Medina and headed north on 480 to Center Point (of the Hill Country, I guess) where we had dinner and lost the last of the light. We pedaled the 9 miles into Comfort in the dark. At 9:30 PM we checked into the Executive Inn in Comfort, one of the places not listed on our official bike map. It was another tough day of strong headwinds. On some of the climbs, I was brought to a complete standstill as I was hit with yet another blast! When I researched this route it was recommended to travel West to East because of the Gulf Stream (aka prevailing winds), but I'm beginning to think it only applies to aviators!! The wind has been the single most important factor throughout this trip. It will either make us or break us! We turned over 1100 total miles today.
Day 17: Comfort to Blanco, TX. (52 miles) Curt's rear end is really bad today; mine, only slightly better. We decided to take it easier today and enjoyed the more arid part of Hill Country. We will soon be back on the flat...I'm not looking forward to that. We ate breakfast in Comfort before we headed out, and skidded into the DQ as soon as we crossed the pretty Guadalupe River in Blanco. We camped right on the river at the Blanco State Park, had a Margarita at the nearby Mexican restaurant, and I slept like a log.
Day 18: Blanco to San Marcos, TX (36 miles) It was chilly and damp as we broke camp this morning. We met a large group of bicyclist from Timberland Adventures at the Bowling Alley Cafe in Blanco. The food was terrible but the company was good. We decided to deviate from the route again as Curt might have a cold coming on as well as his backside troubles. We're heading for San Marcos for another "easy"day, but it's hilly and yet another 20 mph headwind! We had lunch just outside San Marcos and then rode on into town. I had to stop at a bike shop for some gloves..lost one of them yesterday. Curt had a pretty rough day and is looking forward to a break and to Debbie meeting him in Bastrop.
Day 19: San Marcos to Bastrop (41 miles) We headed out Hwy 21 after breakfast at IHOP. It started drizzling shortly thereafter. It turned into a steady rain which continued all day. I forged ahead most of the day. The headwind was only 5-8 mph today. Curt seemed to rally today. Drenched, we checked into the Comfort Inn, did some bike maintenance, and get Curt on the mend. I'm going to hang here an extra day since our visitation schedules with our ladies will both cause a slight delay in the progress. Curt will stay here until Saturday, April 21st; I will move on Thursday the 19th, giving me 10 days to St. Francesville, where Tracy will meet me on the 29th.
Day 20: Bastrop, TX (Day Off) I watched the news aftermath about the Virginia Tech shooting this morning. In typical fashion, the media is demanding stricter gun control and blaming the adminstrators and law enforcement for the tragedy. The media is far more deadly to our society than guns will ever be! Sorry, I'm glad my news comes in small doses.
Curt is feeling the cold moving into his lungs so he's staying close to the motel. I rode into Bastrop to copy the maps for our seperation period and to update the blog. I apologize to all of you that have left comments. Thanks to all my family members for taking the time to look and reconnect! I haven't intentionally ignored you. The libraries set a time limit on their computers and, since my typing is slow, I'm usually getting kicked off before I post the next entry.


Anonymous said...


We don't need a reply - just want to let you know we are out here and thinking of you!
Good riding, and hopefully those headwinds will diminish soon.

Cousin Heidi

Anonymous said...

Mom just hung the phone up from talking to you. She was really happy to hear directly from you. We have really enjoyed reading your postings -- like being on your trip without leavinving our arm-chairs -- that's right up our alley. We wish you good riding.
Love, Mom & Dad>

Anonymous said...

Hi daddy,
I just did some catching up on your trip and I have been sitting here giggling. It seems like you are really having a great time! I love you and I am thinking and praying for you!
